New site!

New website!

It's a pleasure to announce the new official website for The Coffee Machine!

Everytime you play you help others to find more drinks! A great team work!

Add your own drinks!

The hub is the perfect place to rest and contribute and drink without the pressure of an mysterious Coffee Machine SCP. Here you don't play, here you create! You'll be able to request a drink and, after a revision, it will be added to the game!

In the meantime, no one will be able to register. Since I have a limited amount of resources on my hosting and since the site is pretty much in beta, I'll register manually any good-willing  user who wants to contribute with ideas. So contact me via if you want a chance to add drinks.

And of course you still can and always will be able to contribute on the forum.

ƈօʍʍʊռɨƈǟȶɨօռ ɮʊʄʄɛʀ:

- "... did you hear the news?"

- "What?"

- "some new scientists have been brought from site-17"

- "no shit"

- "Yeah, apparently to research 294 and other stuff they don't tell us about"

- "we have enough to deal with Bright, this is the third time he escapes on this week! let's keep on moving...."

- "Roger that!"

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